Supercharge Your In-App Economy
with Receipt Validation
In-App Purchases Made Secure, for everyone
Boost Security
Say goodbye to IAP Fraud!
Our platform verifies the authenticity of every purchase receipt, ensuring only legitimate in-app purchases grant access to your products. This prevents unauthorized use and safeguards your hard-earned revenue.
historical uptime
transactions processed
API requests per month
Focus on What Matters
Free yourself from the technical burden of implementing and handling receipt validation. Our service keeps up with the latest App Store changes, allowing you to focus on creating an engaging app experience for your users.
Gain Valuable Insights
Identify popular items across stores, and optimize your offerings based on real-time data. This allows you to fine-tune your monetization strategy for maximum engagement and revenue potential.
Supported Stores

Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC.
Apple® and Apple logo® are trademarks and App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
PayPal is a trademark of PayPal Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Game Engine SDKs
We have years of experience working with popular Game Engines. Our ready-to-use SDKs ship with complete documentation for your integration needs.

In case the Game Engine you are using is not listed - request it to be added, or make use of our platform-independent REST API!
Create as many apps on the FREE plan as you want. Upgrade or downgrade at any time.
Get quick insights into how your apps are performing. Compare transaction volumes of days and recent months.
Sandbox transactions are always free! Accelerated expiration of test transactions allow for rapid testing.
Scalable Solutions for Every Stage
We offer a range of service tiers tailored to your specific needs, from basic receipt validation to user inventory and advanced analytics. Whether you're an indie developer or an established studio, our service is designed to scale with your business.

Don't let fraudulent activity hold you back. Contact our sales team today and discover how we can help you take control of your in-app purchases and unlock their full potential with IAPGUARD!